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Every day, you are required to take measures in favor of employees.

In addition to the concern to meet legal obligations, these actions must meet the interests of your company.

This is especially true when it comes to retirement ...

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Are your employees well informed about Retirement?


Retirement :

a real question in the management of your workforce!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

As such, you need:

  • Anticipate staff movements

  • Consolidate your plans and agreements Seniors / Intergenerational, GPEC

  • Prepare retirementtransitions,ensuring the transmission of knowledge, measure the financial and tax implications of an early departure, delayed or progressive

  • To be oriented towards individual or collective savings solutions benefiting from tax and social deductibility.

  • To inform employees of regulatory changes, guide them so that they take the right steps as they approach retirement


Benefits and ROI:

  1. Optimization in the management of your workforce and your payroll

  2. Improving your relations with your employees and IRP

  3. Improvement of your employer image and loyalty of your employees

  4. Control of the transfer of know-how, anticipation of departures and replacements

  5. Improve your social and societal report (CSR)

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Our added value:

Our team of Pension, HR, Social Protection, and Coachinq Experts supports you with tailor-made solutions, scalable and adapted to your needs . Our independence from financial institutions or organizations guarantees our impartiality and neutrality. Our expertise in senior issues positions us as an efficient partner, recognized since 2011 by our customers and their employees.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Specialized in the support and training of employees over 45, we work mainly in the following frameworks:

  • Assistance and advice for company agreements and negotiations with Staff Representative Bodies (senior / intergenerational, GPEC, savings, provident, health)

  • Audit and advice on optimization in terms of social protection (savings, provident insurance, etc.), setting up of a PSE or a Collective Conventional Termination

  • Training of senior employees, HR teams and managers

  • Retirement Advice Reports in order to support and facilitate the transition from professional life to retirement.

  • Coaching and support for change, job retention of senior employees

Our solutions have been designed to meet the needs of companies and their senior employees, in the following areas:

  • Anticipation of career development

  • Development of skills, qualifications and access to training

  • The development of the intergenerational bond

  • Adjusting the end of careers and the transition between work and retirement

  • The transmission of knowledge and skills and the development of tutoring

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


Audit Bilan Conseil Retraite individuel

Vous souhaitez faire bénéficier vos salariés (dirigeants, cadres supérieurs, cadres, expatriés, salariés de plus de 50 ans...) d’un bilan de retraite individuel ?

+ A cette occasion, nous pouvons présenter et mettre en avant les dispositifs séniors et les régimes supplémentaires mis en place par l’entreprise.

Formations  Préparation retraite

Animation de formations sur mesure adaptées à vos besoins, en Intra/Inter ou à distance.

Possibilité de prise en charge par votre OPCO.

+ A cette occasion, nous pouvons présenter et mettre en avant les dispositifs séniors et les régimes supplémentaires mis en place par l’entreprise.

Informations Séniors

Animation de séances d’information, pour les salariés, pour les partenaires sociaux, pour les CSE.

Elaboration d'outils de communication interne.



+ A cette occasion, nous pouvons présenter et mettre en avant les dispositifs séniors et les régimes supplémentaires mis en place par l’entreprise.

Accompagnement équipes RH

Assister vos équipes sur les sujets Séniors :

  • Renseigner vos salariés

  • Informations légales et conventionnelles 

  • Expatriation d’un salarié

  • Accord GPEC

  • Accord Diversité & Inclusion

  • Accord PERE

  • Protections sociales

  • Statistiques Séniors

  • Mesures pour les séniors PDV/RCC/PSE 

  • Etc.

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