Notre valeur ajoutée :
Notre équipe d'Experts Retraite, RH, Protection sociale, et coachinq, vous accompagne avec des solutions sur mesure, évolutives et adaptées à vos besoins. Notre indépendance vis à vis d'institution ou organismes financiers est garante de notre impartialité et de notre neutralité. Notre expertise dans les problématiques de retraite, nous positionnent comme un partenaire efficient, reconnu depuis 2011, par nos clients.
Notre valeur ajoutée :
Notre équipe d'Experts Retraite, RH, Protection sociale, et coachinq, vous accompagne avec des solutions sur mesure, évolutives et adaptées à vos besoins. Notre indépendance vis à vis d'institution ou organismes financiers est garante de notre impartialité et de notre neutralité. Notre expertise dans les problématiques de retraite, nous positionnent comme un partenaire efficient, reconnu depuis 2011, par nos clients.
Your clients are executive corporate officers or TNS.
Have they chosen the right social, fiscal and asset strategy
in order to optimize their retirement income?
Vous souhaitez un accompagnement personnalisé?
Notre équipe d'Experts Retraite, RH, Protection sociale, et coachinq, vous accompagne avec des solutions sur mesure, évolutives et adaptées à vos besoins. Notre indépendance vis à vis d'institution ou organismes financiers est garante de notre impartialité et de notre neutralité. Notre expertise dans les problématiques de retraite, nous positionnent comme un partenaire efficient, reconnu depuis 2011, par nos clients.
Audit - Review - Advice - Training
Expert Retraite depuis 2011
When can I retire, at what age and with how much? Are my pension statements correct? How to correct them? What will be my remainder to live? Is it in my interest to save, to buy back quarters? Can I work in retirement? How to prepare for my life transition?
Have you prepared and chosen the right strategy to optimize your plans and live well in your retirement?
74% of French people say they are worried about their retirement *
70% of workers aged 50 to 62 want personalized advice, 77% to know their rights and 80% to be supported in administrative procedures **
(*) IPSOS source for Agirc-Arcco of March 2, 2019
(**) OpinionWay survey of October 12-17, 2020 for the CNAV and Agirc-Arcco, 2,000 active French people aged 50 to 62
(***) Source OpinionWay for AGIRC ARCCO October 2017
(****) Average gross monthly amount of the direct pension (including supplement for children), according to the main scheme of affiliation during the career of unipensed, end of 2017. Source DREES 2019 edition
(*****) Report of the Court of Auditors of May 19, 2020
68% of French people feel they are poorly informed about retirement, 44% of those 50 and over do not anticipate their retirement ***
1 out of 7 retirement pensions awarded in 2019 includes a calculation error, at 62% to the detriment of the retiree, including 9% ≥ € 1,000 per year *****
When, how and with how much, will I retire?
Gross average monthly pension amounts ****
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
€ 1,750 Civil servants of the State
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
1,520 € Territorial officials
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Of which -25% for women
Our added value:
Our team of Pension, HR, Social Protection, and Coachinq Experts supports you with tailor-made solutions, scalable and adapted to your needs . Our independence from financial institutions or organizations guarantees our impartiality and neutrality. Our expertise in senior issues positions us as an efficient partner, recognized since 2011 by employees.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Specialized in the support and training of employees, we work mainly in the following frameworks:
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Retirement is anticipated from the start of a career,
it is important to think about a strategy for preparing for retirement.
How? 'Or' What ? :
By defining your departure date objectives in advance (depending on your personal or family situation), assessing your need in terms of income and remaining living (resources - expenses), life plan, etc.
To analyze your current situation , are your career records fair should I correct them and how? What about my periods of unemployment, maternity, illness, National Service, my various schemes, my work abroad?
To be oriented towards optimization solutions: individual savings, investments, quarterly redemptions, social protection, while benefiting from tax and social deductibility.
To have a tool for managing the end of your career with solutions adapted to your objectives and your situation, knowing the mechanisms (voluntary departure, long career, gradual retirement, increase, pension accumulation, ...)
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
MaStrategieRetraite helps you in your decision-making as early as possible by offering you personalized support: training, advice and coaching, 3 retirement assessment formulas including an Optimum audit, analyzes (asset assessment), corrections, and until the pension is liquidated.