Notre valeur ajoutée :
Notre équipe d'Experts Retraite, RH, Protection sociale, et coachinq, vous accompagne avec des solutions sur mesure, évolutives et adaptées à vos besoins. Notre indépendance vis à vis d'institution ou organismes financiers est garante de notre impartialité et de notre neutralité. Notre expertise dans les problématiques de retraite, nous positionnent comme un partenaire efficient, reconnu depuis 2011, par nos clients.
Notre valeur ajoutée :
Notre équipe d'Experts Retraite, RH, Protection sociale, et coachinq, vous accompagne avec des solutions sur mesure, évolutives et adaptées à vos besoins. Notre indépendance vis à vis d'institution ou organismes financiers est garante de notre impartialité et de notre neutralité. Notre expertise dans les problématiques de retraite, nous positionnent comme un partenaire efficient, reconnu depuis 2011, par nos clients.
Your clients are executive corporate officers or TNS.
Have they chosen the right social, fiscal and asset strategy
in order to optimize their retirement income?
Vous souhaitez un accompagnement personnalisé?
Notre équipe d'Experts Retraite, RH, Protection sociale, et coachinq, vous accompagne avec des solutions sur mesure, évolutives et adaptées à vos besoins. Notre indépendance vis à vis d'institution ou organismes financiers est garante de notre impartialité et de notre neutralité. Notre expertise dans les problématiques de retraite, nous positionnent comme un partenaire efficient, reconnu depuis 2011, par nos clients.
Audit - Review - Advice - Training
Expert Retraite depuis 2011
You are managers with a status:
"Assimilated Employee" or "Non-Salaried Worker"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Have you chosen the right social, fiscal and asset strategy
in order to optimize your retirement income?
54% of artisans, traders, business leaders aged 50 to 62 believe that they must review their retirement report following the Covid and that they will be more impacted by a drop in their income **
74% of French people say they are worried about their retirement *
70% of workers aged 50 to 62 want personalized advice, 77% to know their rights and 80% to be supported in administrative procedures **
1 in 7 retirement pensions awarded in 2019 includes a calculation error, 62% to the detriment of the retiree, of which 9% ≥ € 1,000 per year ***
Gross average monthly amounts of unipensed ****:
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
700 € MSA self-employed
€ 740 for the SSI regime (ex RSI)
€ 1,960 liberal profession
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Of which amounts women vs. men:
-41% self-employed MSA
-47% to the SSI regime (ex RSI)
-44% liberal profession
(*) IPSOS source for Agirc-Arcco of March 2, 2019
(**) OpinionWay survey of October 12-17, 2020 for the CNAV and Agirc-Arcco, 2,000 active French people aged 50 to 62
(***) Report of the Court of Auditors of May 19, 2020
(****) Average gross monthly amount of the direct pension (including supplement for children), according to the main scheme of affiliation during the career of unipensants, end of 2017. Source DREES 2019 edition.
When, how and with how much, will I retire?
Retirement is anticipated from the start of a career,
it is important to think about a strategy for preparing for retirement.
How? 'Or' What ? :
In setting your start date goals , assess your need for income .
To analyze your current situation as a manager according to your status, to optimize a distribution of remuneration with several scenarios between the bonus and the dividends .
To be oriented towards solutions of individual or collective savings, social protection, benefiting from tax and social deductibility .
To have a career management tool with financial solutions adapted to the manager's objectives.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
MaStrategieRetraite helps you in your decision-making as soon as possible by offering you in particular 3 retirement assessment formulas including an Optimum audit which will allow
to support you, from the analysis (asset balance sheet) to the liquidation of the pension.
Our added value:
Our team of Retirement, Compensation and Social Protection Experts supports you with tailor-made solutions, scalable and adapted to your needs . Our independence from financial institutions or organizations guarantees our impartiality and neutrality.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Arbitrage statut
Arbitrage rémunérations/dividendes
Protection sociale
Epargne individuelle et collective
Reconstitution de carrière incomplète, contrôle auprès des caisses
Des formations (présentielles ou à distance) pouvant être prises en charge par votre OPCO*.
Optimiser sa 2ème partie de carrière
Connaître les démarches administratives pour préparer son départ en retraite
Préparer la transition vie professionnelle/ retraite
Bâtir une « stratégie retraite » afin d’optimiser ses revenus et sa protection sociale
(*) organismes de compétences anciens OPCA
Bilan Patrimonial
Bilan Retraite individuel ou couple
Diagnostic sur mesure
Besoin de comprendre, besoin d'informations
Des conseils adaptés à votre situation
Etre accompagner individuellement
Conseil statut, rémunérations et protection sociale, accord d'entreprise
Conseil sur mesure : polypensionné , carrière à l'étranger, manque de trimestres, handicap, période de chômage, etc.
Conseil en optimisation : surcote/décote, rachat de trimestre, carrière longue, épargne/patrimoine, protection sociale, retraite progressive, cumul-emploi retraite, cession et transmission, etc.
Coaching et accompagnement : démarches administratives, correction auprès des caisses, liquidation, recours, transition de vie professionnelle retraite