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You will soon be halfway through your career.

This is the time to ask yourself questions about the follow-up you want to give to your professional, personal and especially

think about what you expect from retirement!

Take stock of your situation now!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

First of all, a retirement report allows you to assess the amount of your future pension according to your current remuneration, its potential evolution and the number of quarters you have acquired. This report also makes it possible to check your Individual Status Report or RIS (accessible from 45 years old), and in particular to ensure that there are no errors * on your career statement, and, if applicable, make corrections to your various pension funds.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

This report will also allow you to better understand and apprehend the pension system (period of unemployment, illness, maternity, career abroad, different pension schemes, etc.) and the various existing systems adapted to your situation (career long, quarterly redemptions, etc.),

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Also take stock of your savings! You may have already started saving for your retirement: investments or rental investments, already planned that will supplement your retirement income.

A balance sheet will allow you to estimate your future income and your future needs will allow you to know the supplement you will need to preserve your standard of living. You will then be able to put in place a real strategy with the appropriate measures to calmly prepare for your retirement.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

the future is built at any age!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

(*) 1 out of 7 retirement pensions contains errors, Court of Auditors report 2020


Our added value:

Our team of Pension, HR, Social Protection, and Coachinq Experts supports you with tailor-made solutions, scalable and adapted to your needs . Our independence from financial institutions or organizations guarantees our impartiality and neutrality. Our expertise in retirement issues positions us as an efficient partner, recognized since 2011 by our clients.


Conseils individualisés

Vous avez besoins de conseils ou de renseignement concernant votre situation?

Vous souhaitez être accompagner pour "corriger vos pensions de retraite" ou pour "demander la réversion de votre conjoint"

Vous souhaitez faire un cumul emploi retraite.

Audit Protection sociale et Patrimonial

Vous recherchez une mutuelle ou vous souhaitez optimiser vos revenus, anticiper la dépendance?

Nous sommes indépendant de toutes institutions publiques ou financières.

Coaching de Transition

Entretiens réalisés avec un coach certifié, basés sur le questionnement, ciblés sur la réalisation d'un objectif personnel ou professionnel :

  • retrouver du sens dans sa vie,

  • la résolution d'une problématique (gestion du temps, du stress, usure, démotivation, charge mentale, confiance en soi, conflits, communication ),

  • réussir sa transition vie professionnelle retraite 

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