Notre valeur ajoutée :
Notre équipe d'Experts Retraite, RH, Protection sociale, et coachinq, vous accompagne avec des solutions sur mesure, évolutives et adaptées à vos besoins. Notre indépendance vis à vis d'institution ou organismes financiers est garante de notre impartialité et de notre neutralité. Notre expertise dans les problématiques de retraite, nous positionnent comme un partenaire efficient, reconnu depuis 2011, par nos clients.
Notre valeur ajoutée :
Notre équipe d'Experts Retraite, RH, Protection sociale, et coachinq, vous accompagne avec des solutions sur mesure, évolutives et adaptées à vos besoins. Notre indépendance vis à vis d'institution ou organismes financiers est garante de notre impartialité et de notre neutralité. Notre expertise dans les problématiques de retraite, nous positionnent comme un partenaire efficient, reconnu depuis 2011, par nos clients.
Your clients are executive corporate officers or TNS.
Have they chosen the right social, fiscal and asset strategy
in order to optimize their retirement income?
Vous souhaitez un accompagnement personnalisé?
Notre équipe d'Experts Retraite, RH, Protection sociale, et coachinq, vous accompagne avec des solutions sur mesure, évolutives et adaptées à vos besoins. Notre indépendance vis à vis d'institution ou organismes financiers est garante de notre impartialité et de notre neutralité. Notre expertise dans les problématiques de retraite, nous positionnent comme un partenaire efficient, reconnu depuis 2011, par nos clients.
Audit - Review - Advice - Training
Expert Retraite depuis 2011

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Do your clients have the right social, fiscal and asset strategy to optimize their retirement income?

You are a chartered accountant:
Secure your retirement advice
54% of artisans, traders, business leaders aged 50 to 62 believe that they must review their retirement report following the Covid and that they will be more impacted by a drop in their income **
74% of French people say they are worried about their retirement *
70% of workers aged 50 to 62 want personalized advice, 77% to know their rights and 80% to be supported in administrative procedures **

1 in 7 retirement pensions awarded in 2019 includes a calculation error, 62% to the detriment of the retiree, of which 9% ≥ € 1,000 per year ***
Gross average monthly amounts of unipensed ****:
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
700 € MSA self-employed
€ 740 for the SSI regime (ex RSI)
€ 1,960 liberal profession
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Of which amounts women vs. men:
-41% self-employed MSA
-47% to the SSI regime (ex RSI)
-44% liberal profession
(*) IPSOS source for Agirc-Arcco of March 2, 2019
(**) OpinionWay survey of October 12-17, 2020 for the CNAV and Agirc-Arcco, 2,000 active French people aged 50 to 62
(***) Report of the Court of Auditors of May 19, 2020
(****) Average gross monthly amount of the direct pension (including supplement for children), according to the main scheme of affiliation during the career of unipensants, end of 2017. Source DREES 2019 edition.
When, how and with how much, will I retire?
70% of workers aged 50 to 62 want personalized advice, 77% to know their rights and 80% to be supported in administrative procedures **
Support your clients in setting up a " retirement strategy ":
an essential advisory role for the accountant
The objective of this mission is to support your client in setting up a retirement strategy that is consistent with his personal and professional situation and that meets his needs and objectives.
Your missions lead you to advise your clients on decisions that may impact their retirement. The practice of compulsory retirement is a discipline in its own right.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Inter-professionalism is now proving to be a decisive asset for remaining focused on your expertise, while securing the overall advice delivered to the client.
In order not to miss important information and to avoid tedious research, Mastrategieretraite offers you a value-added partnership, for the benefit of your client.
Accountancy is at the heart of the manager's support. Mastrategieretraite supports your practice in the development of social missions by carrying out a retirement assessment.
Your craftsmen, shopkeepers, corporate officers, liberal professions customers ask themselves the questions: At what age to leave? How much will I get? How can I optimize my retirement?
When accounting expertise, the tax aspect and retirement expertise come together, it is the guarantee of a secure retirement plan, clear and adapted to the profile of each of your clients.
Mastrategieretraite implements specific solutions for accountants:
Training to provide you with the information you need to understand the French pension system.
An exclusive rate to allow your customers to benefit from our expertise.Accountancy and retirement expertise are two distinct components that are essential to building a solid retirement plan.

Our added value:
Our team of Pension, HR, Social Protection, and Coachinq Experts supports you with tailor-made solutions, scalable and adapted to your needs . Our independence from financial institutions or organizations guarantees our impartiality and neutrality. Our expertise in senior issues positions us as an efficient partner, recognized since 2011 by our customers and their employees.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.